Saturday 23 June 2012

memory #5 : is this all?

Waking up in the morning, and feeling tired again.

Tired of being sad, tired of being stressed, tired of being depressed;

Tired of caring too much, tired of getting ignored, tired of being the odd one out;

Tired of responsibilities, tired of troubles, tired of changes;

Tired of hiding everything, tired of wiping away the tears, tired of pretending everything's fine;

Storing everything in,
Leaving only the smiles, the jokes, the laughs on the outside;
Stocking away all the tears, the anger, the jealousy on the inside.

Everything's changed,
And so have I.
I'll never be the person I used to be again;
Never dream like I used to,
Never think like I once did;
Never, ever again.

And that's the thing about changes that scares me most.
Changes come unexpectedly, you never know when it'll happen,
And once it does, it's gonna be so obvious, you'll know instantly.

But once you've changed,
You'll never change back,

Sometimes I wonder,
Is this all there is to life?

Tired of life,
And finally, tired of being tired.

Life keeps getting in the way - Gotta go my own way, Vanessa Hudgens

. with love from .

Friday 22 June 2012

memory #4 : true love... ?

Some people try their whole lives to be the right person for the one they love;
But they end up with nothing,
Just a sad, broken heart,
And the inability to ever love the same way again.

She will never love the same way she did,
Never ever again, she said.
Never will she have the same feelings for another guy,
Or the time to spend.

Guys, wake up.
Girls don't stand around;
And spend years around you;
Being there for you every single time;
And not going for anyone else;
Just for fun.

If one does,
Then that means she's hiding something else.
And you should know what she's hiding.

True love is unconditional,
And unbreakable.

True love is just like ghouls. Everyone knows about it, everyone talks about it. But how many have really met  one?

Unless you've been through all that, you'll never know.

. with love from .

Friday 8 June 2012

creation #1 : better as best friends

Hanging out,
Talking loud,
We've been spending time together;
Screaming out,
Singing loud,
We've been laughing through all that together.

But do you ever,
Ever wonder,
What's this we're having now?

Are we simple friends?
Or singe friends,
Falling for each other?

Do you think so?
I don't know,
But I can tell you this;
That it's so clear,
You're the one, my dear;
The one I'm falling for.

But no way,
I can't tell you that;
Cause my friend,
We're not ready yet.

Not ready to change,
Or face it anyway;
So let's just stay this way,

No way,
Can't let you know that yet;
It's killing me,
To hide it from you, yeah.

Not ready for this,
Can't deal with it, my friend;
So let's just stay this way,

Don't wanna rush this,
Don't wanna kill it,
Things are just perfect, just awesome now;
Don't wanna change this,
Don't wanna ruin it all...

'Cause we're better as best friends.

PS  First try at lyrics. So, yeah...  Comments please.  :)

. with love from .

Friday 1 June 2012

memory #3 : it's easier this way

There's this fact I found out about people:
When people ask:
"Are you okay? Is anything wrong?"
Most of the time,
They don't mean it.

They won't spend the time,
To get to know what's going on.
They won't take the time,
To listen to you,
To understand,
And to make you feel better.

They ask, just to sound polite.
What happened to the humanly society?

I know,
That it's easier for you to put on a smile, 
Tell everyone who cares to ask that nothing's wrong;
Everything's fine.

Cause it's not really that easy,
To tear off the smile on your face,
Tell people it's not okay;
Tell them everything is wrong;
Out of control,
And make them understand,
Make them care.

Those who care are not available,
Those who don't care don't matter.

this is life.
never fair,
never simple,
never easy.

So just put on that stupid smile of yours and face the world,
Cause it's easier this way.

And we know it's never simple, never easy.  - Breathe, Taylor Swift

. with love from .